Our high specification materials enable the Habiatron™ range of wires, cables and coaxial cables to operate in the extreme pressures, temperatures and radiation experienced in the safety-critical environments found in a nuclear power plant.
Quality and reliability
We can offer cables with a service life of up to 60 years, with no flame propagation and no emission of toxic gasses for intrinsically safe circuits, all against the backdrop of industry quality standards.
The Habiatron™ range includes LOCA Class 1E, non-LOCA Class 1E and non-1E control cables, instrumentation cables (incl. thermocouple cables), low voltage power cables (<1 kV), coaxial cables (including low noise and super screened cables) and data bus cables (UTP/STP).
Examples of use, inside and outside containment areas:
Control rod positioning
Resistance temperature detectors
Neutron flux detectors
Fire alarms
Communication systems
Reactor coolant pumps
Safety valves and cameras
Tailor-made for your needs
If you need other special cables, such as hydrogen igniter cables, pressurizer heater power cables, feed water heater drain tank cables or hybrid cables for fuel grab, service grab, fuelling machine hoist and transfer hoist applications, we can make them too.