UL certified single cores and twisted wires

All our certified UL AWM styles; single cores, twisted wires, multicore cables and coaxes.


Habia Cable is recognised by UL under file numbers: AVLV2:E75929 for supply to the US and AVLV8:E75929 for the Canadian UL. 

Product types

Our product range of certified UL AWM styles incorporates single cores, twisted wires, multicore cables and coaxials in the temperature range of <250°C and the voltage range <1000V AC.

High performance materials

Habia's UL and CSA offerings are specialised in the supply of high temperature, thin wall AWM styles covered by the four main fluoropolymer materials: ETFE, FEP, PFA and PTFE. We also have a range of approvals for multicore cables using these high temperature materials as well as TPU, Silicone and even PVC.

Explore more details in the product data sheets in 
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